Health & Fitness

Fitness : Interview with Ben Kirby

Ben you are quickly becoming a very in-demand fitness model. How did you originally get spotted?

While I was studying at University my friend started a management company called O’crème Management, he suggested I try modeling and I thought why not.  I initially didn’t think much of it, but after a few agencies signed me up and got me jobs I realized that it was something I might be able to succeed in.

You appeared in ‘Men’s Health’ magazine, how did that happen?

Well I’ve been in quite a few Men’s Health’s over the last 2 years; infact a shoot for Men’s Health was my first assignment as a model.  I was very lucky to get the phone call due to my inexperience but I had put in lots of hours at the gym and was starting to feel more confident about my physique.

How committed to fitness do you have to be in your line of work, and are supplements something you would recommend?

Commitment is pretty crucial in the fitness modeling business, though genes do play a role and I feel im pretty lucky that I don’t have to be to strict with my diet or training regime and can enjoy eating what I want, in moderation of course.  Supplements used correctly can produce great results, I use a range of Sci-Mx products which help me train harder and recover much quicker.

If a guy wants a body like yours what would you advise?

I would advise ensuring you have knowledge on weight training and nutrition, I see so many people putting the hours in at the gym and not getting the results they want because they aren’t training in the most appropriate and efficient manner.  Done correctly it doesn’t take as long as people think, though everyone is different and you have to work on getting the best out of your body, not some one else’s.

If you had the choice of sport guru or supermodel potential which would you pick?

That’s a real tough one, I love my sports and play a really mixed variety of them. But being a top supermodel would also be great, I enjoy modeling and getting the top campaigns would be fantastic…………I honestly cant decide which one I’d prefer!

If you could choose any designer underwear/sports brand to be the ‘face of’ which would it be?

Well for the status I’d have to say a Calvin Klein underwear campaign would be ideal!  Though something like a Quiksilver Board-shorts campaign shot on the beaches of Australia wouldn’t be too bad!

You seem very confident in your photo-shoots – How risqué would you actually go in a shoot?

I think sticking in my underwear is a start, though if things are done tastefully you have to take every shoot as it comes.

You have done some amazing photo-shoots. Who has been your favourite photographer and what was the best shoot location?

I’ve worked with some great photographers, one that has helped me progress as a model is Gaz, who the accompanying pictures with this interview were taken by. My favourite location was the Algarve in Portugal, the beaches were stunning.

Reality Model shows, what’s your feeling? Love them or hate them? And would you do it?

I think their all different, so I don’t think it’s fair to say if I loved or hated them.  I would go on one, but im not sure I’d ever have enough time, as im studying for a masters in International Business Management at the moment.

What do you think is the sexiest part of your body?

Well the part that has really aided my getting my best fitness jobs and covers is my abs.  It’s also the part that I have to work on most, as if my routine is disrupted they’ll be the first things to go!

So what’s the future for Ben Kirby?

Finishing my masters course and continuing to model at the same time. After my course who knows what the future will bring, but what ever it does i will be putting my all into it!

Our readers are going to want to know are you single or attached, gay or straight, and how does it feel being adorned by gay fans?

Im straight and single, but its great to be so well received by my gay fans, they have been so complimentary and aided on getting my name out there more than anyone.

Tell us something people would never guess about you that you have never told anyone before?

When I first started university I had really long hair and my tongue pierced!

What’s your ideal night out or in?

hmmmmmm I’d have to say out doing something I don’t normally do, or doing something for the first time, like for instance I went to see a band called Naturally 7 last week and all the sounds they make are by their voices, even the drums and guitars, it was great!

Oh wise one… If you could give ‘all us guys’ one piece of advise on any subject what would it be?

I’d have to say, treat others like you wish to be treated, if everyone in the world did that imagine how much of a better place it’d be!


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